Does my cat have thyroid disease?

Does my cat have thyroid disease? Pay attention to your cat’s eating habits because one of several health issues could be thyroid disease. My cat Bear has CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease). One of the symptoms is loss of appetite which can become severe enough that they can starve to death, which is why cats, Bear included, are prescribed appetites stimulants. Typically, cats who have CKD suffer from bad indigestion, enough so that they just don’t want to eat. In fact, a year ago when Bear was so sick, we worried she’d starve to death.

Photo by shari smith dunaif 2014

Photo by shari smith dunaif 2014

But via coaxing, experimenting with different foods and medications, including appetite stimulants (see post about that) she finally ate, albeit not much. So a few months ago, we were thrilled when Bear’s appetite improved. She ate the low salt deli turkey, the treats, and more of the wet cat food. Until, she became ravenous. She ate so much, that it became a concern, Barbara Grimes, from East Hampton Veterinary Clinic suggested a blood test to check her thyroid levels.

If your cat is unexplainably ravenous, you might want to have your vet test your cat for thyroid disease. Bear was tested, and the results for thyroid disease was negative. Now we just have to continue with her CKD care, and be happy she’s eating.


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