About orange tabby cats

Several years ago a very adorable orange tabby cat…

lived at the Duane Reade on 22nd Street & Park Avenue South. I used to stop in there everyday on my way home from work & visit her. Then one day I heard they were looking for a new home for her because that store was closing for renovation. Several people wanted her, but I was the lucky one who got to adopt her. Her name was Danette which I immediately changed to Lucy, after the famous redhair comedianne. I did some research and found out that she was a rare girl indeed, orange females are pretty rare. Approximatley 80% of orange tabby’s are male. She was a wonderful cat and I had several good years with her. I think about her often. I’m so happy for the time we had together. It was the start of a long line of cats that have come to live with me.

submitted by Joan H.