Should I neuter my cat?

Should I neuter my cat? This simple diagram illustrates what vets and other cat professionals have been advocating for years. There is nothing worse than seeing stray cats, often abandoned, abused and emaciated. We can’t rescue all of these poor guys, but we certainly can do our part to not increase the cat population and have more cats need homes. There are already so many who do. Plus, it’s also another way for you to take care of your cat(s) and let them, and you, be healthier and happier.
Why to neuter your catFrom CatsProtection@CatsProtection on twitter.

photo by shari smith dunaif 2014

photo by shari smith dunaif 2014

These lucky kittens were rescued and brought back to health by ARF, a no-kill shelter in New York. However, most shelters destroy hundreds of cats every day. Destroy – that means KILL them, often after enduring much suffering.