Why your cat kneads

What is my cat doing?

When your cat uses their front paws, altering left and right, gently pushing up and down, it is instinctual. People call it making muffins, kneading, or whatever else you want to call it, it’s something he/she did as a kitten. OK, so want to know why your cat kneads?

The explanation that makes the most sense to me is as kittens, they knead against their mama’s belly to stimulate milk flow from her teats. That association of nurturing and trust stays with cats. So, if your cat has made muffins on your leg or arm they are displaying that same trust and affection. And listen, they’re also often purring!

I hope you have had that kind of bond with your cat and know what I mean, and if you have, your cat is secure enough with you, that you and he/she has formed a strong bond. When my cat Toby makes muffins on my leg or stomach I KNOW he’s relaxed and content. Me too!